by John Boudreau | Jan 13, 2011 | Business, cold calling, Personal Growth, sales performance
A recent blog post entitled “Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything” on HBR by Tony Schwartz really caught my eye. Mr. Schwartz points to research which dispels the myth that certain people are gifted for certain things and that’s that. Here’s a quote from the post:...
by John Boudreau | Jan 12, 2011 | Business, Interactive UI, Kinect, Microsoft, Xbox
Like 8 million other people this Christmas season, I purchase the Kinect system for my kids Xbox. It’s pretty amazing and allows YOU to be the controller. That same weekend, Minority Report was on TV. Check out a clip from the movie here. I couldn’t help...
by John Boudreau | Jan 11, 2011 | Business, companywide goals, Metrics, processes
In a recent blog on the HBR website, Brad Power asks the question “Where Have All the Process Owners Gone”? In the post Power brings out a couple important points that really spoke to me. Processes must be improved across departments There must be a...
by John Boudreau | Jan 10, 2011 | Business, business strart-up, entrepreneur, positive thinking
I just read a great post on the Forbes entrepreneur blog. Dr. Steven Beglas revealed some research on how people stay optimistic in midst of difficult circumstances. Optimists view each problem as a short term event or a cost of doing business. They believe that good...
by John Boudreau | Jan 5, 2011 | Business, collaboration, execution, hiring, processes
At Astonish we have a yearly company meeting. Our meeting is today and I thought I would write about one of the major points I’m going to share with our company. It’s called the “right things” model. I first heard about this concept for Vern...
by John Boudreau | Jan 1, 2011 | Business, company alignment, company mission, execution, processes
Making sure everyone in your company is going in the same direction or more importantly the direction you want them to go in can be a daunting task. Having everyone going in the same AND right direction takes the challenge to whole new levels. The more employees you...