by John Boudreau | May 11, 2015 | alignment, Business, Company Culture, Leadership
I attended the simulcast of @Leaderscast 2015 on Friday. For those of you that don’t know, Leadercast is an incredible event where leaders gather (either at the live event or via simulcast) to hear various speakers (@AndyStanley, @BillRMcDermott, @RorkeDenver,...
by John Boudreau | Dec 4, 2013 | Company Culture, Leadership, Managing Change
I recently had the privilege of spending the morning with a large company in Massachusetts. As we discussed their challenges and how we might be able to help them, the owner expressed that he needed to change some things in his company (including some of his people)....
by John Boudreau | Dec 2, 2012 | Business, Ken Blanchard, Leadership, Servant leadership, teachability
I love to learn about leadership. I’m always for looking for ways to improve as a leader. I recently completed Ken Blanchard’s book, “Leading at a Higher Level” and in it Blanchard devotes a whole chapter to a specific type of leadership he...
by John Boudreau | Nov 7, 2012 | Leadership, Personal Growth, Personality Types
If you’re like me you have blind spots. You’re doing your thing, living your life, then WHAM something hits you and you realize that you had a huge blind spot about something. For me, it’s usually has something to do with the way that I relate to others. My...
by John Boudreau | Aug 3, 2012 | Company Culture, Leadership, Managing Change
I’m reading Ken Blanchard’s book, “Leading at a Higher Level” and one particular section really hit me. In chapter 10, Blanchard talks about “Organizational Leadership” and why leading change is so important. No organization is perfect and a leader must strive to...
by John Boudreau | Jul 21, 2012 | Leadership, Personal Growth, Personality Types, teachability
I’ve always been interested in understanding personality types ever since I first discovered the Myers-Briggs personality test by reading the book “Type Talk”. As an introvert, the book helped me to understand my own personality by helping me understand how I make...