by John Boudreau | Dec 21, 2020 | execution, strategy
Over the past 25 days, we’ve been discussing strategy. In our last post, we shared reviewing your strategy on a regular basis (we suggest monthly) is critical for successful execution. Mankins and Steele also talked about the strategy – execution gap and ways...
by John Boudreau | Dec 18, 2020 | execution, monthly meetings, monthly team meetings, strategy
Over the past 24 days, we’ve been discussing strategy. In our last post, we shared how you can use a strategic principle to communicate your strategy. It turns out the regular communication of your strategy is a key component to the strategy actually getting...
by John Boudreau | Dec 17, 2020 | strategic principle, strategy
Over the past 23 days, we’ve been discussing strategy. In our last post, we shared how you can use a strategic principle to communicate your strategy. This concept was introduced by Gadiesh and Gilbert. We said a strategic principle was a “memorable and actionable...
by John Boudreau | Dec 16, 2020 | strategic principle, strategy
Over the past 22 days, we’ve been discussing strategy. In our last post, we shared how just improving your operational effectiveness can be a viable strategy. Once those strategic decisions have been made, how do you get everyone moving in the same direction?...
by John Boudreau | Dec 15, 2020 | efficiency, strategy
Over the past 21 days, we’ve been discussing strategy. In our last post, we shared how sharing both your vision and strategy is key if you want employees to be engaged. We’ve said that strategy, at its core, involves choosing different activities or performing...
by John Boudreau | Dec 14, 2020 | employee engagement, strategy, vision
Over the past 20 days, we’ve been discussing strategy. In our last post, we shared how involving your employees in your strategic planning process has a positive effect on their engagement. Just having a strategy is just a starting point. As a leader, you must also...